Kamis, 22 September 2011


(Reflection Activities UN SMP 2010 / 2011)
By: Drs. Ch. Darmono

When the Law no. And No. 22/1999. 25/1999 enforced and followed the policy of the Department of Education regarding school-based management system and granting authority to the regions (even school) in managing education, arising glimmer of hope for the improvement of education development.Development model of education is highly centralized and monolithic as well as denying the differences, it should be drastically transformed into decentralized and pluralistic so that the interests and needs as well as the potential and capabilities of the region become more unnoticed and awakened. With the decentralization of education management models are represented through the School-Based Management and Community-Based Management, all components of the school became increasingly play a role. The preparation of the national curriculum that ignores the cultural roots and the needs of local communities, by giving greater authority to the regions, should not be repeated.

Giving greater powers to teachers through school-based management and competency-based curriculum was assumed to restore self-esteem and confidence in teachers in the past is battered by the system that is highly instructive. However, see the Ministry of Education policies lately, hope began to arise is likely to wither before it develops. One of the most actual example is the implementation of the National Examination (UN) is full of controversy. UN as a test tool for the students final grade SMP / MTs and high school / vocational school in reality is nothing but a manifestation of reluctance to release the central authority in the management of education. Unfortunately, such reluctance is not accompanied by sufficient readiness to ever appear very confusing and controversial policies regarding such things as re-exam questions and the right of students did not pass the exam for continuing education. As for the school year 2010/2011 the government (read: national education ministry) took kompromitis policy, where graduation is determined by the UN and also by the school (through the mechanism of the average value of report cards and Exams, and other parameters).

In contrast to the examination, evaluation meaningful assessment of continuous, comprehensive, sustainable and abilities of students while studying in school and is an integral part of the learning process at school.Within the framework of competency-based curriculum, national education ministry itself recognizes that a sustainable and comprehensive assessment became very important in education. Continuous assessment refers to the assessment carried out by the teachers themselves with the assessment process is conducted transparently. Assessment to be comprehensive and cover all aspects of academic competencies and life skills. The process of planning, execution, until the assessments are conducted by teachers in charge of the Principal so that all components of school performance actually assessed and the ability of teachers to design, choose an evaluation tool, prepare questions, and appraise them truly tested. From the student side, the evaluation would obviously be a process that 'normal' does not require special preparation that takes up all his energy because the evaluation is run by his school, his teacher, and most important of the evaluation is what has been gained during the learning process. UN that put the Central as one of the authorities the full authority from planning, execution, until the follow-up through the SPO (Standard Operating Procedures) are very detailed and strict is still ambiguous to keep the spirit of de-centralization of education.

It's amazing, the UN clearly goes against the principles of evaluation burdened the purpose and function is very important that objectives of the UN SK 017/U/2003 is to measure student achievement; measure the quality of education at the national, provincial, district / city, and school / madrasah; and accountable for providing education in national, provincial, district / city, school / madrasah, to the public.Then, the UN serves as a means of controlling the quality of education nationally; driving force to improve education quality; ingredient in determining students' graduation, and material considerations in the selection of new admissions at the level of education are more tinggi.Tujuan and functions that never seemed to be evaluated, even in some it did not really function properly. One of the purposes and functions of the UN concerning the quality, for example. The extent to which the UN is used as a spur to quality improvement. So far, the UN over the years has never increased significantly. Usefulness of the UN for consideration in the selection into higher education, especially for junior high to high school level has indeed been used, but when to college level, there are still other selection devices used by each college.

Judging from the empowerment of teachers and students, the UN has not been too effective. Authority of teachers to plan, organize, and provide an assessment to students as an integral part of her work had been seized. As in the past-permanent teachers are not believed capable of doing a good job. UN and become a center of attention in the learning process. And, like EBTANAS and UAN in the past, the entire learning process focused on the efforts to succeed in the UN so that the nature of the learning process to be neglected. Especially if you see the UN policy year 2010/2011 which includes grades and the U.S., this seems to have become signposts will return the process and criteria for graduation as the first Ebtanas. UN should have a clearly diametrically opposed to the principles of decentralization of education and spent substantial funds from next year be deleted. Allow schools to evaluate their own handiwork. If the government wants to control the quality of education can be every year to students of each class at all levels of education are given a kind of standardized tests with school selection test participants by a random sample taken in each area that is considered to represent the national average. Such standardized tests in addition to knowing the quality of education can also be used as a kind of diagnostic tests to measure the quality of each school learning to be followed up responsibly.

1st June , 2011

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