Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

mendidik berbasis loyalitas

Educate-based loyalty *)
A Reflection on the certification program for teachers and lecturers

Educating is a verb formed from the base learner.Act number 20 of 2003 on national education systems underlines education as "Education is aconscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning pro cessso that learners are actively developing thepotential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence,morals noble, and necessary skills themselves,society, nation and state. "Chapter I Article 1 paragraph 1. Sentence conscious and plannedeffort is worth underscoring, because it shows that education is a process of educating, not just an activity is "suddenly" that could be implementedwithout a strong desire (read: loyalty) to make it happen. So important a conscious and plannedeffort, that requires a high loyalty of educationactors in it. In fact, because it has not achievedhigh-quality educational products that make policyholders (government in this matter. Ministry ofEducation) are working hard to find indications oflack bermutuan, inhibiting factors and solutions.
While the review was more directed to educators who are accused of factors most responsible to bear the "sins" of education. More details, again, lack semangatan less innovation, creation and fun learning process due to lack of teachers in carrying out its functions to increase their knowledge (read: continuing to pursue education S-1 and S-2) and the learning experience. Lack of passion and time to improve the competence of teachers paedagogik, psychological, and social personality characterized by lack of revenue due to the teacher as servant of the State in education in comparison with other professions that also require special competence. Yet according to the mandate of Chapter XI of the National Education Law article 39, is a professional educator is defined in charge of planning and carrying out the process of learning, assessing learning outcomes, coaching and training, and conduct research and community service, especially for educators at the college. 

Therefore, the government took significant policies (as mandated by the National Education Law) to conduct certification activities immediately following the consequences for educators.Expectations of government, with the certification of both the portfolio and LPMP (Board of Education Quality) or through the process of professional education, competency of educators is getting better and ultimately boils down to help manifest a better quality educational products. 

To 2011, the certification has lasted 4 years. Some education experts, education supervisors, community, education and even the perpetrator himself had begun to analyze the effect of certification policy. A statement is quite intriguing is "turned out to have been berlipatnya income is not always directly proportional to the performance and increase their competence". There are still many unscrupulous teacher certification that the discipline of their work time is not maximized, how educated are far from effective and efficient, and yet likes to do activities that the addition of good science through research and seminars and workhshop. As a result, the product of education has not changed much. 07.00 a hour into work has not been fully met, the class is still a lot that is empty of meaningful learning (or even empty because the teacher left with the argument that teaching is not responsible), on the sidelines of teaching hours has not been a lot of teachers do an analysis of learning, map learners, and add insight by reading newspapers / magazines / articles and so forth.
Counter-productive from a policy of certification according to the opinion writer, not a mere mistake or a policy decision makers who can take to address the mandate of the statute. But rather to the education that is certified but not yet fully understand the meaning and essence of the certification. Language simply is no indication that low loyalty to the realm of education which makes "conscious and deliberate effort" has not materialized. Business or in the Arabic efforts are earnest efforts to achieve a goal, which will be fulfilled if it has achieved a strong loyalty or allegiance. The authors do not mean loyalty to the leader of the school but in education itself, regardless of whoever the leader and after all the conditions of students and schooling. Loyalty comes from the English loyality that it contains the dimensions of Transaction, Relationship, Partnership and Ownership (no reciprocity, no cooperation, ketesiakawanan and ownership).Loyalty is also defined as loyal to something with a sense of love, so with a high sense of loyalty that one feels no need to get the reward of doing something for another person / institution to which he put his loyalty.
In essence, the loyalty will create a tangle of feelings which were eventually able to stimulate the mind, attitude and action to do what is best for the object where he put his loyalty. 
In the end, even the loyalty can be a part of the supplement increased performance and competence of educator as well as achievements, but it's good to keep it at a reasonable level. Thus would avoid fanaticism, which would certainly result in a "radicalism" of schooling.
Regards education! 

Purworejo, July 27, 2011 

*) Author: Drs. Ch. Darmono (Head  Master State Junior High School 27 Purworejo) 

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